The Executive Committee
Members of the Executive Committee are 4 directors as follows;

Mr. Somchai Kulimakin
Chairman of the Executive

Mr. Sumruay Tichachol
Member of Executive

Mr. Bhiya Jriyasetapong
Member of Executive

Mrs. Nisaporn Sirijuntanan
Member of Executive
The Executive Committee
1. Mr. Somchai Kulimakin
Chairman of the Executive Committee
2. Mr. Sumruay Tichachol
Member of Executive Committee
Mr. Bhiya Jriyasetapong
Member of Executive Committee
4. Mrs. Nisaporn Sirijuntanan
Member of Executive Committee
Authorities, duties, and responsibilities of the Executive Committee as follows ;
1) To determine policies, directions, strategies, work plans, annual budget plan, organizational structure, management structure of major-lines and sub-lines for business process to be consistent with the economic situation and market competition. After that, proposes to the Board of directors for consideration and approval.
2) To follow up on the adaptive policies, directions, strategies, plans, and management guidelines for the main work and sub-divisions. as specified and the budget approved by the Board of Directors efficiently. And conducive to the business conditions of the company. Including providing management suggestions to senior executives.
3) To define risk management policy in accordance with the goal of the Company. The executive will review the policy annually and consider risk assessment including external and internal factor, together with evaluating the level of risk opportunity, impact, risks rating, providing risk management plan by corporate with the Internal Audit. The significant risks are strategies, operational, financial, and regulatory compliance.
4) To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of risk management annually and the result shall be submitted to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, respectively.
5) To take consideration for approval of auctions/hire of work, commitment contracts period 1-3 years, expenses, special remuneration for employees including bonus, salary/wages increase, investment, financial sources for acquisition of fixed assets/ equity, or debt obligations for refinance the outstanding liabilities under the better terms and conditions with the budget scope which is not exceed Baht 200 Million and/or accordance with the budget which approved by the Board of Directors.
6) To report any performances to the Board of Directors at least by quarterly and if there are any urgent issues, can report immediately.
7) To recruit or dismiss the Company’s employees in management level excluding the Chief Executive Officer and Executives serving as directors.
8) To consider screening all types of work that must propose to the Board of Directors’ meeting. However, it is a job under the authority, responsibility and or power of other sub-committees of the company who will screen and propose directly to the Board of Directors.
9) To review and update the Executive Charter annually.
10) To sign the withdrawal from the bank account of the Company in accordance with the conditions and limits authorized which are assigned by the Board of Directors.
11) To perform other duties which are assigned by the Board of Directors.
However, the Executive Committee may delegate to management level for approving of one or more financial matters under the authorized as may be deemed appropriated by the Executive Committee.
The assignment is under the law and regulation of the Company. In case, there is benefit in the operation process or having conflict of interest of the Executive director(s) or other parties (according to the Notification of the SEC), The Executive director(s) or the parties are not entitled to cast the vote for such matter in the Board of directors.
Any transactions which are a relation transaction or the receiving or disposal assets of the Company or a subsidiary (according to the Notification of SEC), are approved from the Shareholders’ meeting and/or in accordance with the rules/principles prescribed in such notification and to be consistent of the SET.