Corporate Governance Policy
The Board of directors has put a lot of emphasis on the corporate governance (“CG”) in the belief that the CG is a system manages to have operation processes, a structure of leadership, and the responsibility to maintain transparency and competitiveness in order to maintain its capital and to increase shareholder value in the long-term under the framework of good ethics and taking into account other stakeholders and society.
In order to build the business growth continuously and to create the trust to investors and stakeholders, the Board of directors had assigned management to the vision, mission, objective, CG policy, code of conduct, employee manual, business strategic direction, business plan, budget, information technology development, disclose policy, confidentiality management which is effected to GC share price, financial liquidity and debt capacity, and sustainable operation management. All such information is appointed the executive director proposes to the Board of directors for consideration and debate prior to mutual agreement and approval. CG policy is announced and used in the management and the Board of directors has continuously been taking the CG seriously since the adoption of the policy to raise the standard of the Company and to conform to the best practices of 2012 as required by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand.
After announced the policy, the Board of directors has assigned the executive management to monitor evaluate and report on performance (including practice) annually. For those principle that had not regulate or practice yet, the managements would report to the Corporate Governance, Nomination, and Remuneration Committee for reconsider annually before present to the Board of directors.
In 2017, the Company received awards and assessments related to good corporate governance activities as follows:
The Company received 91.5 scores in AGM assessment for the year ended 2017 which was assessed by Thai investor association
The Company received an Outstanding Investor Relations Awards for listed companies worth less than Baht 3,000 Million in Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
The Company received the certificated membership of Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) since 10 November 2017. The project is now supported by the Government and the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission and started through the cooperation between 8 parties by Thai Institution of Directors (IOD), Thai Chamber of Commerce, Foreign Chamber, Thai Listed Companies Association, Thai Bankers Association, The Thai Capital Market Federation, The Federation of Thai Industries, and Tourism Council of Thailand.
In 2019, the company received awards and assessments related to good corporate governance activities as follows:
- The company received the Excellence Awards and was a nomination for the Investor Relations Awards for listed company worth less than 3,000 Million Baht in the SET Awards 2019 on 26th November 2019.
In 2020, the company received awards and assessments related to good corporate governance activities as follows:
- The company received an “Excellent” accomplishment in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR) for the year ended 2020 which was assessed by Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) for the fourth consecutive years (2017-2020).
- The Company received 100 scores in AGM assessment for the year ended 2020 which was assessed by Thai investor association
- The company has been renewed the certified membership of CAC (Collective Action Coalition against Corruption). The certification renewal will be effective for three years, starting from September 30, 2020 onwards.
In 2022, the company received awards and assessments related to good corporate governance activities as follows:
- The company received an “Excellent” accomplishment in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR) for the year 2022 which was assessed by Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) for the sixth consecutive years (2017-2022).
- The Company received 100 scores in AGM assessment for the year 2022 which was assessed by Thai investor association
In 2023, the company received awards and assessments related to good corporate governance activities as follows:
- The company received an “Excellent” accomplishment in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR) for the year 2023 which was assessed by Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) for 7th consecutive years (2017-2023).
- The Company received 100 scores in AGM assessment for the year 2023 which was assessed by Thai investor association
The company has been renewed the certified membership of CAC (Collective Action Coalition against Corruption). The certification renewal will be effective for three years, starting from September 30, 2023 onwards.