Personal Data Privacy Notice
For Work Candidate, Person in the Family of the Work Candidate or the Other Person that
the Work Candidate Had Provided Data

     Global Connections Public Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “GC”) gives highest priority to the protection of the personal data of the work candidate as well as the person in the family of the work candidate or the data of the other person that the work candidate provided for us, and in order for you to ensure that we will protect and manage your personal data in accordance with the laws concerning personal data protection, we then established this Personal Data Privacy Notice for your acknowledgement of details of the processing of personal data, whether it be the collection, use and disclosure (collectively referred to as “the processing”) that may be occurred and including to inform you of the rights on your personal data and our contact channels as follows:

1. Purposes for the collection, use and disclosure of personal data and the cases necessary for the provision of personal data
     As you are our work candidate, we shall collect, use and disclose your personal data by relying on relevant lawful basis for the following purposes:



Lawful Basis


For the proceedings necessary for the consideration and selection of work candidates which shall mean to include the process for online submission of work application through GC’s website, the direct submission of work application with GC or through the recruitment agency, the interview process, the selection and evaluation process, the process for offering you an employment agreement, and the other human resources management process in relation to the consideration and selection for employment with GC or the companies in GC Group.

Contractual basis 


For qualification check prior to employment as prescribed by laws including the necessary information check and the checking of information with the person of reference specified by you or the checking of prior history of work to supplement the consideration and the selection for employment with GC.

Legal obligation and legitimate interests


For the internal audit of the Internal Audit Office of the organization.

Legitimate interests


For maintaining security in building area or premises of GC and the evaluation of security risks including the communication for the issuance of access card(s) to work in the premises of GC, the recording of information on the entry and exit of GC’s premises, and the recording of videos in the buildings or offices of GC or GC’s branches by closed-circuit television (CCTV).

Legitimate interests

     In some cases, we may collect, use and disclose personal data of the person in the family or other person that our work candidate provided for us. In this respect, GC shall collect, use and disclose personal data of those people under relevant lawful basis for the following purposes:



Lawful Basis


For communication in necessary or emergency cases such as the checking of information of the work candidate with the specified person of reference or the inspection of prior history of work of the work candidate or for notifying dangerous incident occurred to the work candidate, etc.

Legitimate interests


For maintaining security in building area or premises of GC and the evaluation of security risks including the communication for the issuance of access card(s) to work in the premises of GC, the exchange of cards for building entry and exit, the recording of information on the entry and exit of GC’s premises, and the recording of videos in the buildings or offices of GC or GC’s branches by closed-circuit television (CCTV).

Legitimate interests

     GC would like to inform you that for the processing of personal data of the work candidate, the person in the family of the work candidate including the data of the other person that the work candidate provided for us, we rely on relevant lawful basis as specified herein without relying on the consent; however, there might be the processing of personal data in certain cases that we could not rely on these lawful basis such as the cases required by laws to obtain consent from the owner of personal data for the processing of sensitive personal data, etc.. For such cases, GC shall request for your express consent (please read our letter requesting for consent in addition to this document) and in case that you are a work candidate and have provided personal data of the person in the family or other person for us, you shall be responsible to inform those people of this Personal Data Privacy Notice and/or the letter requesting for consent (if necessary).
     In case that the aforementioned personal data collected by GC is the information necessary for GC’s performance of agreements or the compliance with relevant governing laws, if you refuse to provide such necessary personal data, GC may not be able to enter into employment agreement with you, or may not be able to administer and manage the agreements in accordance with the employment purposes, or this may affect the receiving of welfare and benefits or the provision of facilitations to you.

2. Personal Data which shall be collected
     In general, GC shall collect your personal data by directly requesting the data from you, for instance by having you fill in the forms determined by GC, or inquiring data from you, or requesting
     you to submit documents containing your personal data to GC; nonetheless, there may be some circumstances that GC collets your personal data from other sources in order to fulfil the aforesaid purposes such as:
     • Your person of reference specified in the work application;
     • Your university or academy;
     • Recruitment agencies
     • Government authorities such as the Royal Thai Police;
     • The organization or sector that you previously worked for. In this regard, the personal data collected by GC are as follows:
2.1 General personal data
     (1) Identity data such as first name, last name, identification card number, date of birth, gender, age, nationality, marriage status, signature and photo;
     (2) Contact data such as address, phone number and email;
     (3) Financial data such as salary and bank account number;
     (4) Other personal data such as history of work and education including relevant evidence, military training status, data of the person of reference, marriage status, training records, internship records and driving license;
     (5) Identity data of the person in the family (father, mother and spouse) such as first name, last name, date of birth, gender, age and occupation, etc..
2.2 Sensitive personal data
     In general, GC has no intention to collect and use religious and blood type data specified in your identification card for any specific purpose. In the event that you provided GC the copy of your identification card, it is requested that you conceal such data. If you did not conceal such data, it shall be deemed that you authorized GC to conceal those data and such document with concealed data shall be deemed valid and legally enforceable in all respects. In case that GC is unable to conceal those data due to some technical limitation, GC shall collect and use such data as a part of your identification documents only.
     However, it is necessary for GC to collect and use criminal record data of the work candidate in order to proceed on the qualification check prior to the employment as required by laws, and GC shall be able to perform the processing of such data by relying on lawful basis as mentioned in Clause 1 without relying on your consent. In this regard, GC shall procure that there shall be appropriate measures for the protection of your basic rights and benefits, and relevant proceedings shall be strictly carried out within the extent permitted by laws.
Furthermore, if it is necessary for GC to collect other sensitive personal data for any specific purpose, GC shall request for your prior express consent. In this regard, GC may process the following sensitive personal data:
     (1) Health data;
     (2) Data regarding disability.

3. Period for retention of personal data
     GC shall retain your personal data for the period necessary for the purposes of the collection, use or disclosure of personal data set out in this Privacy Notice. However, if GC has not considered accepting your employment in the position applied for, GC shall retain such personal data of you for the period of 2 years as from the date of application or the latest date that work application has been updated so that such personal data may be used to contact you if there is a position that may be suitable for you in the future.

4. Disclosure of personal data
     In order to carry out the proceedings for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice, GC may disclose your personal data to the third party as the Royal Thai Police.

5. Your rights as the owner of personal data
     As the owner of personal data, you have the rights as prescribed in the Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2562 (2019). In this respect, you can exercise your relevant rights through the channels specified by GC in Clause 7 or through GC website, whereby you will be entitled to exercise the rights when the laws concerning personal data protection are applied to GC. The relevant rights having details as follows:
5.1 Right to withdraw consent
     In the event that GC requests for your consent, you shall have the right to withdraw the consent for the processing of your personal data that has already given to GC unless such withdrawal of consent is restricted by laws or by the agreement that provides you the benefits.
Such withdrawal of consent shall not affect the processing of personal data legally conducted according to your prior consent.
5.2 Right to access to personal data
     You have the right to request for an access to and the request for the copy of your personal data under control of GC, including to request GC to disclose the acquisition of such data that you have not given consent to GC.
5.3 Right to request for the submission or the transfer of personal data
     You have the right to request GC to transfer your personal data that you have given to GC as prescribed by laws.
5.4 Right to object the collection, use or disclosure of personal data
     You have the right to object the processing of data relating to you in respect of the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data as prescribed by laws.
5.5 Right to request for the erasure of personal data
     You have the right to request GC to delete your personal data as prescribed by laws. Nevertheless, GC may store your personal data using electronic system pursuant to which some systems may be unable to delete the data, and for such case, GC shall destroy or cause such data to be unable to identify your identity.
5.6 Right to request the restriction of the use of personal data
     You have the right to request GC to restrict the use of your personal data as prescribed by laws.
5.7 Right to request for the rectification of personal data
     If you found that the data controlled by GC is incorrect or you have changed your personal data, you have the right to request GC to correct your personal data so that such personal data be accurate, current, complete and not causing misunderstanding.
5.8 Right to lodge a complaint
     You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent officers under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2562 (2019) in case that GC breaches or does not comply with such Act.

6. Amendment of this Privacy Notice
     We may amend and update this Privacy Notice from time to time, and if there is such amendment, we will keep you posted through GC website and/or inform you via email. If it is necessary to request for your consent, we will proceed to request additional consent from you.

7. Contact channels
     If you have question or require further details concerning the protection of your personal data, the collection, use and disclose of your personal data, the exercising of your rights or if you have any complaint, you can contact GC as per the following channels:

Global Connections Public Company Limited
Office Address: 13/1 Moo2 Kingkaew Rd, Rachateva, Bangplee, Samuthprakarn 10540
Telephone : 0 2763 7999
E-mail :,

Announced 1 July 2022